
Ophokplicht volledig ingetrokken (24 april 2024)

De minister van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit (LNV) heeft besloten de ophokplicht voor pluimvee per direct in te trekken voor de Gelderse vallei en de Limburgse Peel.

Ophokplicht grotendeels ingetrokken (26 maart 2024)

Het ministerie van LNV meldt dat de ophok- en afschermplicht voor pluimvee per direct is ingetrokken voor bijna heel Nederland. De ophokplicht blijft voorlopig nog van kracht in de Gelderse Vallei en de Limburgse Peel (de regio’s 7, 10 en 19) vanwege de pluimveedichtheid in deze regio’s.

Wijzigingen certificatieschema IKB PSB per 1 maart 2024

Per 1 maart 2024 worden een aantal wijzigingen doorgevoerd in IKB PSB. Deze wijzigingen zijn doorgevoerd om het schema actueel te houden met nieuwe wet- en regelgeving.

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Stichting AVINED heeft als missie om met een efficiënte dienstverlening de huidige duurzame en robuuste marktpositie van de Nederlandse pluimveesector verder te versterken.

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Changes within IKB Kip

29 juni 2020

Working in consultation with the Central Board of Experts (CBE), we have made a number of amendments to the IKB Kip certification scheme. The purpose of these changes is to further strengthen and clarify the IKB Kip scheme. The changes were adopted by the independent Board of Directors (BoD) and took effect on 1 June 2020.


We informed you previously (by letter) about all the changes. In this digital newsletter, we would like to specifically point out the changes in the regulations again. The summary below covers the most important changes, categorized per business type:


    • Slaughterhouses:
        • The interpretation of the measurement method to check the half-year calculation on the minimum of 95% IKB-worthy supply has been clarified;


        • The separation between live animals and end products has been modified to make the regulation clearer and easier to check.




    • Hatcheries:
        • The shower obligation has been added, which already appears to be common practice;


        • When day-old chicks are fed at the hatchery, this feed must be from a GMP+ certified feed supplier (just as with other links of the supply chain).




    • Poultry farms:
        • Separate disinfectant is no longer required if there is a hand-washing facility with disinfectant soap in the same farm building;


        • Cotton towels are also allowed, in addition to paper ones, provided they are washed after each use;


        • Regulations have been added to better clarify the securing of incoming resources and to map incoming flows on farm;


        • The floor plan regulations have been extended and now include items that must be present.





All changes