
Erklärung Vorschrift Wasserproben (F17)

Vorschrift F17 wurde zum 1. Juni 2024 geändert.


Um möglichst gute Kontrolle darüber zu haben, was den Tieren gefüttert wird, wurde Vorschrift F20 hinzugefügt.

Clarification of water sample regulation (F17)

Regulation F17 has been amended as of 1 June 2024.

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Clean in, clean out – That’s the way to ensure optimal use of your shower

29 juni 2020

Good hygiene is important for humans and animals. It reduces the risk of introduction and spread of pathogens and can save damage and costs.


We have drawn up a practical infographic to help you and your visitors use the shower correctly. It is a good idea to hang it in your changing room, to ensure that everyone is clear about what they have to do.


We previously provided information in our newsletters about the hygiene and shower obligation on your poultry farm. More information can be found here.


Hygiene protocol IKB Kip