
Ophokplicht grotendeels ingetrokken (26 maart 2024)

Het ministerie van LNV meldt dat de ophok- en afschermplicht voor pluimvee per direct is ingetrokken voor bijna heel Nederland. De ophokplicht blijft voorlopig nog van kracht in de Gelderse Vallei en de Limburgse Peel (de regio’s 7, 10 en 19) vanwege de pluimveedichtheid in deze regio’s.

Wijzigingen certificatieschema IKB PSB per 1 maart 2024

Per 1 maart 2024 worden een aantal wijzigingen doorgevoerd in IKB PSB. Deze wijzigingen zijn doorgevoerd om het schema actueel te houden met nieuwe wet- en regelgeving.

Jaarplannen en deelnemersbijdrage

De deelnemersbijdrage 2024 bedraagt  €750,- (excl. BTW) per certificaat. Een stijging van de bijdrage in verband met de gestegen kosten is voorkomen.

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Stichting AVINED heeft als missie om met een efficiënte dienstverlening de huidige duurzame en robuuste marktpositie van de Nederlandse pluimveesector verder te versterken.

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Stricter hygiene through use of shower since July 2019

15 november 2019

You are aware of the vital importance of hygiene for the good health of humans and animals. Good hygiene can reduce the risk of pathogens being spread and consequently reduce the risk of damages and costs. Due to a higher risk of outbreaks of avian influenza (AI) or an infection with, for instance, salmonella, ILT and coryza, good levels of are becoming more important. The installation and use of a shower for all IKB Kip certified companies has therefore become mandatory since 1 July 2019.

The top three FAQ about the shower

  1. Why take a shower?

    One of the greatest vectors of transmitting disease is people, via human-animal contact. Pathogens on the skin, in the hair and in the respiratory tract/nasal passages attach to dust particles. These particles are not removed when clothing and footwear is changed. This can lead to infection in the barns. Showering thoroughly removes dust particles and along with them, the pathogens. A shower also forms a clear physical barrier before entering the barn.

    Read more about the usefulness of the shower here

  2. What is the transitional period?

    From 1 July 2019 clean in, clean out (incl. showering on arrival and departure) is a standard principle in IKB Kip. The best way to achieve this is by installing a walk-through shower facility (enter one end, leave the other). Realising this will take time, so during the transitional period that ends on 1 July 2028 a douche on the plot is also accepted.

    Read more about the transitional period here

  3. Which regulations should the shower comply with?

    The shower(s) in the hygiene sluice must conform to a specific layout, consisting of three separate areas: the undressing area, the shower and the dressing area. This specific layout is called a ‘walk-through shower’.

    Read more about the ‘walk-through shower’ here


More information

Click here for more information about the new hygiene measures. This includes information about the location of the shower on the premises and who should use the shower. You can also contact IKB Kip via e-mail ( or by phone (+31 88 998 43 40). Please feel free to share the content of this newsletter with your veterinarian or feed adviser so that farm visitors are also aware of the situation surrounding the installation and use of the shower.